Other Publications

Consultation Report on Regulation of Private Healthcare Facilities

Annex IV List of Written Submissions Received

By Organizations

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Serial No.
(O)001 Association of Doctors in Aesthetic Medicine (Hong Kong) Limited
(O)002 南明美容集團有限公司
(O)003 香港美容醫療協會
(O)004 香港優質美容總會
(O)005 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
(O)006 香港國際專業美容師協會
(O)007 The Hong Kong Private Hospitals Association
(O)008 Consumer Council
(O)009 Hongkong Stem Cell Centre
(O)010 Hong Kong Dental Association
(O)011 香港化粧品同業協會
(O)012 Hong Kong Doctors Union
(O)013 香港美容業總會
(O)014 國際美業評審總會
(O)015 香港美容健體專業人員總會
(O)016 公民黨
(O)017 美容專業發展委員會
(O)018 民主黨
(O)019 Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
(O)020 公民力量西貢區區議員區能發、溫悅昌、譚領律、何觀順;社區發展主任陳健浚、張澤松
(O)021 民建聯大埔支部
(O)022 Equal Opportunities Commission
(O)023 City University of Hong Kong
(O)024 The Government Doctors' Association
(O)025 北角區街坊福利事務促進會
(O)026 香港醫學會
(O)027 OT&P Medical Practice
(O)028 Hong Kong Association of Community Oncologists
(O)029 Hong Kong Biomedical Scientists Association
(O)030 Hong Kong College of Paediatricians
(O)031 The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers
(O)032 The Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
(O)033 Association of Private Medical Specialists of Hong Kong
(O)034 Institute of Biomedical Science, Hong Kong Branch
(O)035 The Dental Council of Hong Kong
(O)036 Hong Kong College of Radiologists
(O)037 Hong Kong Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences Ltd.
(O)038 工聯會
(O)039 香港專業及資深行政人員協會
(O)040 Hong Kong College of Community Medicine
(O)041 (The sender requested anonymity)
(O)042 Hospital Authority
(O)043 Hong Kong College of Physicians
(O)044 香港中醫藥管理委員會
(O)045 Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital
(O)046 Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong
(O)047 School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong
(O)048 香港醫院藥劑師學會
(O)049 (The sender requested anonymity)
(O)050 新民黨

12 Apr 2019